
World Pole Sport and Fitness Championships, Zurich 2010.

I have been honoured to be a photographer of World Pole Sport and Fitness Championships 2010 that took place in Zurich, Switzerland October the 2nd.

My very best sport discipline having all in one cardio training, stretching, muscles strenghtning, body sculpt and a mental training. You feel soooo good with your body! Because it's so beautiful.

Looking for the origins we can find some inspiration in chinese pole, indian mallakhamb, aerial arts, acrobatics and sensual, erotic dance. Strenght and feminity.

Finalists (running order) :
1. Anzhela Kulagina   - Russia
2. Alethia Austin    - USA
3. Rafaela Montanaro   - Brazil
4.J enyne butterfly    - USA
5. Zoroya Judd    - USA
6. Crystal Lai     - Canada
7. Alesia Vazmitel    - UK
8. Laurence Hilsum    - France
9. Karen Chaundy    - UK
10 Maria Escalante    - Argentina
11 Allegra King    - Australia
12 Felix     - Australia
13 Anastasia Skukhtorova   - Russia
World championn 2010 : Felix Cane (down)
I don't know any other sport which is so feminin when performed by a woman, and do masculin at the same time, when performed by a man! (unfortunately no men competition during world championships yet, but France has it's masculin champion of pole dance). This men's no-sexy style is so sexy ! Pure strength and this ease to master the body on a pole.... (photo by Eduard Simon)