
Zamiast pisać blogi i buszować na FB, zabrałam się za prawdziwą aktywność, znowu zmieniłam miejsce zamieszkania, podróżowałam tu i tam... Aparat jeździł ze mną rzecz jasna:)

 Oto jedna z moich sesji 2011, która sprawiła mi szczególną przyjemność, mimo spoznienia na autokar do Budapesztu i telepania się nocnym pociągiem na Węgry, warto było jechać na tę winnicę o 4 nad ranem

 Region egerski, Verpelet, winnice zdala od zgiełku, w pobliżu gór Matra, w oddali widac wulkan.

Te winorośle rosną sobie już 30 lat, głęboko sięgające korzenie wydobywają z gleby to, co najlepsze. Ręczny zbiór zapewnia doskonałą selekcję i kontrolę jakości.

 Tu powstaje znakomite polsko - węgierskie wino: Maglen.


World Pole Sport and Fitness Championships, Zurich 2010.

I have been honoured to be a photographer of World Pole Sport and Fitness Championships 2010 that took place in Zurich, Switzerland October the 2nd.

My very best sport discipline having all in one cardio training, stretching, muscles strenghtning, body sculpt and a mental training. You feel soooo good with your body! Because it's so beautiful.

Looking for the origins we can find some inspiration in chinese pole, indian mallakhamb, aerial arts, acrobatics and sensual, erotic dance. Strenght and feminity.

Finalists (running order) :
1. Anzhela Kulagina   - Russia
2. Alethia Austin    - USA
3. Rafaela Montanaro   - Brazil
4.J enyne butterfly    - USA
5. Zoroya Judd    - USA
6. Crystal Lai     - Canada
7. Alesia Vazmitel    - UK
8. Laurence Hilsum    - France
9. Karen Chaundy    - UK
10 Maria Escalante    - Argentina
11 Allegra King    - Australia
12 Felix     - Australia
13 Anastasia Skukhtorova   - Russia
World championn 2010 : Felix Cane (down)
I don't know any other sport which is so feminin when performed by a woman, and do masculin at the same time, when performed by a man! (unfortunately no men competition during world championships yet, but France has it's masculin champion of pole dance). This men's no-sexy style is so sexy ! Pure strength and this ease to master the body on a pole.... (photo by Eduard Simon)


Every cloud has a silver lining - for Leah

One day in Nice, just before her way back home to United States, she has her purse stolen, with her passport, credit cards and all documents and money. Long hours of telephone contact with barely english speaking french administration officers didn't dammaged at all her positive attitude I was fascinated with. Always smiling she was sayng that there are many worst things that happen in life and without any doubt she trusted a stranger to go with her to Marseille to the Ambassy. This stranger was me. Our whole-day adventure hasn't finished yet, after getting back to Nice with a new passport and a new AMEX (hunted not so easly though). Whole day talking about life, happiness, love, philosophy, religion... I found my soulmate, the age makes no defference, she is so open, so true, and so gratified. Meeting such a wonderful people makes you feel better and gives you some kind of mental strength. We was talking and talking until midnight in an India restaurant, enjoing our succes, she shown me some pictures of her children and grand children (with polish origins!!) and I shown her photos of my ... well, of mine (see here).  I regret only that I didn't take a picture of her, we lost each other at the airport when seeing her off and then it was to late. Such things happen only ones, so this picture I keep in my mind. I will come to Indianapolis to make up for it one day. She was saying that things are so not important in life. It is true. But sometimes they are not only usual things but mean sth more.

These photos are taken with my new lens Sigma 20mm f/1.8, the gift from my friend -  Leah and dedicated to her. Thank you very much, Leah.

With love.